An Introduction to Rosen Method Bodywork
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We extend a warm invitation to join us for a day centered around curiosity and listening to what your body wants you to know. This one-day Introduction to Rosen Method Bodywork will allow you to sense how this gentle, listening touch can connect you with your whole self - the sensations you might not have noticed, emotions you had to put away, and new possibilities you hadn’t imagined or had thought were out of reach. This work is appropriate for those seeking personal growth as well as for bodyworkers, therapists, and those interested in somatic touch.
An Introduction to Rosen Method Bodywork
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Join us for a day of connecting through touch. In this one day introduction to the Rosen Method, experience how this gentle, listening touch can connect you with your whole self and in turn opens the possibility of a more grounded connection with others. As you experiment with giving and receiving touch that is gently receptive and responsive, rather than manipulative, an increased awareness of subtle sensations, emotions and possibilities can arise. This work is appropriate for those seeking personal growth as well as for bodyworkers, therapists, and those interested in somatic touch.
Rosen Method Bodywork
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The Himalayan Institute
Honesdale, PA
Join us for a multi-day experiential Rosen Method Bodywork Intensive led by Ivy Green, Psychologist, Senior teacher, and author of Relaxation, Awareness, Resilience: Rosen Method Bodywork Science and Practice. Deepen your capacity for presence, experience listening touch, build awareness of muscle tension and relaxation, and sense into your own body. Join others in experiencing greater connection within community and meeting yourself more fully. This learning supports all therapeutic modalities, and is appropriate for psychotherapists, bodyworkers, and anyone interested in somatic approaches to personal growth and healing, as well as for those pursuing professional certification.
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