about julia
Julia Wittich
Julia Wittich is a certified Rosen Method Bodywork practitioner, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, Rosen Movement teacher, Rosen Method Bodywork Workshop teacher and Conscious Uncoupling Coach. Her background is in Art Therapy, Fine Art Photography, mothering, and hospice care. She received her BA in Women Studies and Photography from SUNY @ Purchase, and worked in NYC as a fine arts and commercial photographer. She combined these skills to create photo-therapy sessions for women, exploring issues of body image. Similarly to Rosen, this work was about helping people to walk in the world owning themselves.
Julia discovered The Rosen Method quite by accident, and it spoke deeply to her. She spent 10 years training at Rosen Center East, and The Open Center, while raising her two young children. She used the philosophy of heart centered presence and acceptance to stay open as she nursed both her mother and sister through premature illness and death. Julia has a tremendous capacity for joy, and acceptance of sorrow and pain.
She has been practicing since 1997 and specializes in supporting clients in the midst of significant life and career changes. Her subtle sensitivity and awareness of anxiety and trauma held within the body makes her especially suitable for clients with transgressed boundary and body issues. She loves working with people who have a strong need to remember or discover who they are after having lost track of themselves to the high demands and responsibilities of life.
She completed Peter Levine's 3 year Somatic Experiencing Trauma training in 2017 and continues to take many workshops on trauma thru NICABM.