connecting through touch
Connecting through Touch: An Introduction to Rosen Method Bodywork
An Immersive Workshop
Meeting ourselves and meeting each other
Touching the aliveness and possibilities held in our bodies
To be determined 10:00 - 5:00 pm
To be determined
(sliding scale available).
We extend a warm invitation to join us for a day of connecting through touch. Experience the profound simple resonance that is inspired by embodied curiosity and the interplay between muscle tension, breath, and suppressed emotions.
As you experiment with giving and receiving touch that is gently receptive and responsive, rather than manipulative, an increased awareness of subtle sensations, emotions, and possibilities can arise, awakening you from the inside out.
Witness a demonstration of the work and explore in sharing circles what has emerged for you. In a Rosen Method Movement class, play with the possibility of embodied joy and ease in community.
Discover how the Rosen process invites you to safely rediscover and reclaim yourself as well as your connection to others.
This introductory day is intended for self-discovery and renewal. We welcome participants who are interested in exploring the work for their own self care or to enhance their bodywork or psychotherapy practice.
The workshop provides 7 CE credits for bodyworkers and is appropriate for people with no previous bodywork experience and for seasoned practitioners.
For registration you will be redirected to Rosen Method Open Center’s website. Please register and pay by xxx. This is a Rosen Method Open Center sponsored event.