What part of the weekend stands out for you?
Answer from what comes to mind - or if you need inspiration peruse the parts listed below. What is there with you now as you reflect on your experience? What particularly stands out or what would you have like to be different?
Friday night walk
Anything you would like to share that stood out for you, if you were there?
First check-in circle and ending triangle
Any thoughts?
1st Practicum - guided whole body exploration
What is there with you now as you reflect on your experience? How was the guided exploration of the many places and ways you can hold a person for you - as a receiver or practioner? Is there any way you would have liked it to be different?
Did you feel like your questions were answered? How satisfying/important was it for you and is there any way that you would have liked it to be different? Around the dining room table and outside.
Rosen Movement & Rosen partner touch/play
What is there with you now as you reflect on Movement and partner play with leading, listening and receiving touch? What did you take away from the experience?
Julia's demo on Heather
How was that for you?
2nd Practicum – focusing on Practitioner’s process
How was the 2nd practicum for you?
Private Rosen sessions
How important a part of the weekend was your private session for you? Anything you would like to share?
How was the lodging for you? Anything missing? What did you love the most?
How did you feel met and/or seen? How did you feel supported by the teachers? Is there anything else you would have liked from us?
Did you have enough time to integrate and absorb your experience? Would you have liked something more or less?
How do you think the mini-intensive could have been made more effective?
What happened for you and what are you taking with you?
When were the moments that you felt the closest to yourself?
What questions are you left with?
Thank you for taking the time to reflect upon your experience. If something more comes up for you that you would like to share in the course of next week or 2, please start another survey and add your thoughts. It was our delight and privilege to explore with you!